Book Talks

Ah, the nostalgia!  Picture a pay phone and a bowl of quarters in a dramatic play center.  The best part of this book is the author's note that concisely brings us back in time to our childhoods, a time that can't possibly be that long ago, when you needed a quarter to call home.  I first loved this book as an adult reader being transported to a simpler time.  I next loved this book for teaching budgeting, needs and wants, economics, families, neighborhoods, multilingualism, geography, culture, food, music, transportation, fashion, writing craft, "chatter and aroma in the air are always different on Fridays" - this little book does so much!

This joy of a book was gifted to me by a fellow bookieIt is full of list-like writing pieces that will invoke nostaglia, yearning and action-taking to cultivate joy in your every day life.  Each page is a great quick read aloud, especially for older kids, to get them talking and sharing about little things that make them happy.  Excerpt: "Happy-making things in a difficult world: The way small children end up playing with the box instead of the gift....Meerkats, Baby chimpanzees.  Someone who says, "You can get through this."  Someone who says, "Well, what are you waiting for?" Someone who says, "Just jump in feetfirst." ...Flying kites on a windy beach..." (p. 68) 

If you loved Goodnight Moon, as I did as a child, then you'll want to know more about its intriguing and prolific author, Margaret Wise Brown.  Of special note in this biography, is the description of Margaret's time working for Lucy Sprague Mitchell at Bank Street College, and her intense study of what interested young children and how they talked about their world as her formative experiences leading up to her publishing of the very famous books we all have in our classrooms and homes now.

An intriguing and gruesome book to listen to, read in parts by the author, and a very detailed account of the battles and the notable figures who fought on all sides during this time in history.

A beautiful and enduring novel of Indigenous Chicano women across generations in the territories that are now known as the American West.  It is magical, brutual, and time-traveling.

A great read during the time of soccer.  Building off of her memorable commencement speech, the author guides us how to lead from the bench, among other important leadership lessons for all.

A joyful picture book that reminds us all to "let your worries float away."  It is a great read on the beach, and to help prepare for a new school year.